Getzoo wheels egg?

Wooden running wheels made by hand

Our wheels are made of wood, a working material. This "lives" and warps depending on the temperature and also humidity. Accordingly, it can happen that the wheel seems to "egg" a little. However, this is in no way a problem for use. The quality ball bearing that we use ensures a particularly quiet operation, which most customers appreciate very much. Even the smallest animals can move the biggest wheel we offer due to this first-class ball bearing. Whether or not the running wheel yaws does not change the noise level or the functionality and is, as mentioned, due to the raw material wood.

Other well-known manufacturers also have "egging" impellers, this cannot be prevented. We produce all products by hand and with the greatest care. If, contrary to expectations, there should be a problem with the functionality, we will of course be happy to help you find a solution. In our experience, however, it is mainly a minor visual defect, not one in the function of the wheel.

Thank you for your understanding.

Graphic created by Trung Hieu Tran

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