Complaint & Exchange
Do you have a complaint or would you like to exchange something?
Then use our simple and secure 30-day return guarantee!
The quickest way for us to help you is to use the contact form below. Here you will usually receive an immediate response to your complaint without a long waiting time.
Please use our return form in case you are not satisfied with an item. This is the only way we can continue to improve our high quality standards and expand our services.
Decide whether you would like to return a defective / damaged / incorrectly described product, or whether you would like to exchange an intact product or cancel the purchase. If you make use of your right of withdrawal, you will bear the direct costs of returning the goods. In the case of a warranty claim, the return shipment is always free of charge. In both cases, you can of course use our return label (DHL). In the confirmation mail of your order you have already received a return label from DHL, which you can easily use. If you need a new return label, you can create your free DHL return label here.
Fill out the PDF return form tohelp us process your return and speed up the exchange or refund process if necessary. Alternatively, you can also use our PDF cancellation form. If the returned goods are not accompanied by a returns form, we will attempt to contact you (longer processing time) to see what your requirements are - if we are unable to contact you, we will refund the purchase price.
Pack the item(s) to be returned appropriately, if possible in their original packaging and well padded in a suitable shipping box. Enclose the return or cancellation form, create your free DHL return label here and send off the package.
We will send you a replacement immediately after receiving the return or refund your payment in the way you originally paid.
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