Animals are not Christmas presents!

Animals are not Christmas presents!

Every year, pets are given as Christmas presents. Children in particular often have the wish for an animal companion, which unfortunately many parents still give in to. This usually causes some problems.

Before acquiring an animal, one should inform oneself about the species-appropriate husbandry. Accommodation, feeding and behaviour of the animal should be well known, because especially small animals often do not want to be cuddled and sometimes need cost-intensive fresh food and a large enclosure every day to satisfy their natural needs. Animals are usually bought in the pet shop without this information in mind and given away as a gift. In this case, the responsibility lies with the parents who, together with their children, should inform themselves about possible pets and take responsibility when purchasing them.

It is not uncommon for animals to bite when they are distressed or become ill because they are fed incorrectly. Then the once so much desired pet often becomes a burden and has to go away again. In the new year, the Christmas presents are then listed in the classifieds. If that doesn't work, they are handed over to animal shelters or, in the worst case, abandoned. Animals that remain with their owners often suffer from cages that are too small and that the pet shop has sold as "perfectly adequate".

Animals are not Christmas presents, but companions for life!

Pets have a right to a species-appropriate life and a loving owner. In many foster homes, unwanted animals are looking for a loving home all year round.

Adopt don't shop!

We wish you a happy fourth Advent!

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